Thursday, July 21, 2011

Words I weigh ...

Someone said - "You may feel the compulsion to flirt, but the fear to cross morality-level is what keeps you in check."

The mind tends to be so readable by someone, yet so crypted for some. Women boast of being impossible to be understood; in-fact, they are no less than an open book, one only needs to understand the language. And when that reader comes by, she wants him to be with her forever as someone - a friend, a companion, a lover, a soul-mate, relations undefined or many.
Some like to bury their secrets deep, never to be unearthed, never to see day-light or another's ears and eyes. But some love to flaunt their secrets mockingly, in a care-free manner, which when cared for and heard, hits them hard. The vulnerability of falling prey to one's own words is tough to reckon with, and to live with it trying not to repeat the mistakes is gruesome.
Somewhere deep within, to realize the follies, the intentional mistakes, some unintensional slips and finally, the repentance, is a big and brave step, but to change one-self , is still herculean ...
And I get back to the codes, reluctantly, to wait for tonight to move on, restlessly, to live and wilt, quickly ...

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