Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Maya Ravan - A legend in making..
Lust, Anger, Valour, Deceit and Sorrow.... "Maya Raavan" essentially means all these according to the BrahmaKumaris. It is indeed a pleasure that on very similar lines, a sensational epic ballet - 'Maya Ravan' was conceived, interpreted and choreographed by Internationally acclaimed actress & danseuse Shobana. Maya Ravan re-narrates Ramayana through the eyes of the legendary king Ravana (played by Shobhana herself.)
A very imaginative piece, I should say. The charming romance which Ravana exudes to lure SIta to him is breath-takingly portrayed in this musical. Ravana, the legendary emperor, was widely acclaimed for, the foremost being his knowledge of the sacred books, medicines and sorcery and Music. All his talents are unfolded in this musical extravaganza, and narrated more beautifully than ever could be imagined.
Ravana was a greater scholar of the Vedas also. Not many people know that the true meaning why Ravana had 10 heads. The heads are the symbolic way to show the world about his knowledge. He was fully aware of the contents of the six shastras. His knowledge of the six shastras and his knowledge of the four vedas (together ten) is the inner meaning of the belief that Ravana had ten heads. He even knew that Rama was Narayana himself, who had come in human form.
A must watch, I say.. Who in world could ever imagine the most infamous king of Indian legends otherwise?

(with excerpts from Wiki and Shobhana's official site: www.shobhana.in)

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